Leba III Pet Dental Spray 2 Pack for Dogs & Cats
Leba lll pet dental care spray for dogs and cats keep the teeth clean and healthy without side effects.
How to Administer Leba 3 ?
Spray Leba III in the pet’s mouth. Do not spray teeth directly. Once in the mouth Leba III will mix with the saliva, and the teeth will receive treatment.
How much to use?
Pets under 22kg/50lbs : 1 spray per treatment
Pets over 22kg/50lbs : 2 sprays per treatment
How many time to use per day?
To clean teeth initially give treatments twice a day, morning and night. It will take more or less time depending on the breed, age and genetics of the dog.
How to use for Maintenance Programme?
- Older pets and those who build tartar fast remain on twice a day
- Others once a day is enough
What are the things to remember while using Leba lll ?
- Keep Leba III at room temperature, away from direct sunlight
- Give pet no food, no water or anything 1/2 hr before and 1/2 hr after treatment
- Prevent grooming after treatment for Leba III to remain in the mouth
- For best results use no other dental products while using Leba III.
- If you brush your pet’s teeth use only water on the toothbrush
What are the ingredients in Leba lll dental spray?
Distilled water, Ethyl alcohol 25%, Lamiaceae and Rosaceae in trace elements.
How long Leba lll can keep?
Shelf life of this product is 10 years.
How many times can 1 boottle can use?
Each bottle contains approximately 240 sprays.
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